
Monday, September 08, 2014

Pastor’s Library: Church Elders

Should churches have elders? How many elders should they have? Should they be paid or non-paid? What qualifies an elder? What do they do? How do you train one?

If these questions cross your mind, then Church Elders – a sensational book in the 9Marks Building Healthy Churches series – will be a huge benefit. Even if these questions don’t cross your mind, this book will get your church and you, pastor, thinking about biblical church eldership. Jeramie Rinne is the senior pastor of South Shore Baptist Church in the suburbs of Boston. He has reflected much on being an under-shepherd of his over-shepherd Jesus Christ. The fruit of this reflection is found in Church Elders, a concise handbook that helps churches identify godly men to lead the local flock of God. Read more

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