
Monday, September 22, 2014

Presiding Bishop of REACH-South Africa Retires

At the REACH-South Africa Annual Synod this past week (2-4th September, 2014), the Presiding Bishop, Desmond Inglesby announced his early retirement due to medical reasons.

This was what he said in his Presiding Bishop’s Charge:

“It is with great sadness that I need to inform you that, for medical reasons, I have decided to retire early. This means that I will be stepping down as Presiding Bishop with effect from the end of September. Unless the Lord had intervened, this decision was inevitable – but it has come sooner than I had hoped or anticipated. It was always my intention, God willing, to complete at least 5 years of my tenure, but that was not to be!!

Over the past few years my physical condition has deteriorated quite rapidly and significantly. I have made my decision on the advice of Medical specialists, and I believe it is the right thing for me to do. The physical demands required for fulfilling my role have become too much for me.

I have thoroughly enjoyed being a local church Minister, an Area Bishop and for the past 4 years, the Presiding Bishop. It has been a great joy and a huge honour and privilege to have served in these roles in REACH – South Africa. Read more

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