
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Global War on Terror Enters New Phase

Terrorist organizations like ISIL/ISIS, al-Nusra, and the Khorasan group are not going to vanish after two days of air strikes. The indications are that twenty-first century will see the expansion of radical Islamist militancy across the face of the planet. Christians in Europe, United States, and elsewhere need to be as fully informed about such organizations as possible. They also need to be prepared to deal with the effects of this militancy upon their lives and the lives of others. Beginning with a series of articles on ISIL/ISIS, al-Nusra, and the Khorasan group, I have gathered more articles on these terrorist organizations and related developments with the foregoing purposes in mind.

New: Defeating ISIS: You can't bomb an ideology out of existence
ISIL, ISIS, Islamic State, Daesh: What's The Difference?
What ISIL/ISIS is called does make a difference. In referring to ISIL/ISIS as "the Islamic State" the media is playing into the hands of ISIL/ISIS, which wants to be seen as representing Islam. For this reason it claims to have re-established the Caliphate with a successor of the Prophet Muhammad as Caliph. It wants Muslims to view an attack upon ISIL/ISIS as an attack upon Islam. It hopes to use this misperception to rally the support of Muslims around the world, to recruit more foreign fighters, and to widen the conflict to other countries. This is also why it seeks to provoke the US to send troops to Iraq and Syria.
The anatomy of ISIS: How the 'Islamic State' is run, from oil to beheadings
This Is How ISIS Makes $3 Million A Day
EXCLUSIVE-U.S., France propose U.N. sanctions on foreign Islamist fighters

Why ISIL/ISIS wants the US to commit ground troops to the battlefield
Islamic State message shows desire for US boots on the ground
ISIS Propaganda Videos Keep Encouraging US Ground Troops In Iraq And Syria

Why the US targeted the Khorosan group
What's the difference between ISIS, al-Nusra and the Khorasan Group?
Admin: Strikes on Khorasan group aimed to avert imminent threat
Airstrikes target shadowy new terror group led by Osama insider
US may have gone after Khorasan group even without IS attacks
Khorasan leader a skilled al Qaeda fighter, fundraiser

Australian police shoot suspected terrorist dead

German Police Raid Flats, Mosque Over Suspected Ties With IS Militants

Islamic State attack on Iraqi base leaves hundreds missing, shows army weaknesses

Finding the 'right' rebels in Syria: One tough job
US-backed rebel group criticises Syria strikes

Turkey’s ISIL crisis is worse than you think

United States

Pentagon: ISIL war could last ‘years’
Why Drones Don’t Cut It in Syria
Will ISIS try Australian-style plot in America?
Muslim groups denounce anti-Islam ads on NYC buses

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