
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The Necessity of Biblical Preaching

The chief and primary means by which the Holy Spirit communicates the grace of God to us is the preaching of the gospel. It is by preaching, first of all, that He creates faith within us. As Paul says, “Faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ” (Rom. 10:17). The “word of Christ,” which is the preached word of the gospel, is the means through which the Holy Spirit gives faith to faithless sinners. But do not think preaching is only for unbelievers. It is also the means whereby the Lord gives His people faith that they might continually trust Him and His promises. This is why we call preaching the primary means of grace.

The Belgic Confession says the Holy Spirit “kindleth” faith in us (Art. 22), and that it is “wrought in man by the hearing of the Word of God and the operation of the Holy Ghost” (Art. 24). When the powerful Holy Spirit accompanies the preached gospel, He gives new life and faith to those who hear. The Canons of Dort speak of the preaching of the gospel, saying, “What, therefore, neither the light of nature nor the law could do, that God performs by the operation of His Holy Spirit through the word or ministry of reconciliation” (3/4.6). In other words, preaching does what neither our own abilities nor even the law of God can do. The Spirit’s work through preaching is explained in more detail when the Canons go on to speak of His power and internal work within us.... Read more

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