
Wednesday, September 03, 2014

The Power of Relationships

In the more than 15 years I have lived in Seattle, I have never met anyone who has never heard of Jesus. In my travels to numerous places around the United States and the Western world, my experience has been the same. Everyone knows something about Jesus. Before you think, “This dude needs to get out more often,” I want to reassure you that I get out plenty. I understand the importance of engaging culture. Heck, in addition to being a pastor, I also run a community cafĂ© and music venue in Seattle.

Most people have heard something about Jesus and, truth be told, whatever they’ve heard or seen has given them ammunition to form an unpleasant understanding of Him. Their perception or limited understanding of Christ is distorted and blemished.

We can all agree that Christianity—and subsequently, Jesus—has an image problem. So how will outreach and evangelism impact and influence this cultural context over the next 10 years? Numerous answers and possibilities exist, but here, I offer a truly essential one: real human relationships. Read more

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