
Tuesday, October 07, 2014

2 Leadership Imperatives in a Difficult Season

You will lead through a challenging and difficult season. You are a leader in your context precisely because there are challenging seasons in your ministry or organization. In some sense, leaders are not really necessary if there are not challenges and difficult seasons. Leaders are both developed and revealed in the trials of a difficult season.

Napoleon famously stated, “The role of a leader is to define reality and then give hope.” When facing a major challenge or a difficult season, wise leaders offer both reality and hope. To offer only hope is to fail to tell the truth or to build urgency, to offer solutions without building understanding that there is a problem. To fail to offer hope is to demoralize a team, to burden a team with a problem with no opportunity to push forward to the future. Leaders must continually define reality and give hope, but this is especially critical during a challenging time. Read more

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