
Thursday, October 23, 2014

Beyond “Sola Gratia” (Grace Alone): A guest post by Enoch Wan

“Sola gratia” (grace alone) is one the basic beliefs of the Christian faith, summarized in the “five solae” during the Protestant Reformation. It was a key doctrine of Christianity and a trademark of Protestantism in comparison to Roman Catholicism and other religions. However, “sola gratia” (grace alone) is historically pertaining to the doctrine of salvation (soteriology) only. Yet theologically, the “unmerited/gracious relationship” (in Chinese 恩情 en-ching) between God and God’s people transcends time and space and circumstances.

Let us expand our horizon beyond the “sola gratia” of the Reformation and selectively describe the “unmerited/gracious relationship” between God and God’s people in point form below.... Read more

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