
Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Nine Trends in Pastor and Church Staff Compensation

Some of the current trends in pastor and church staff compensation are surprising to me, while others are about what I expected.

I relied on several current compensation studies to assemble these nine trends. I depended most on The 2014-2015 Compensation Handbook for Church Staff by Richard R. Hammar for multiple denominational and non-denominational churches. For my denomination, the Southern Baptist Convention, I found the compensation study by GuideStone and LifeWay to be very helpful. There were also six other sources I used to add a few more data points to these trends.

For this article, I will discuss fulltime compensated pastors and church staff only. I do have data for part-time compensated staff as well; I will address those church workers in a later post.

Here, then, are nine major trends I saw in the data.... Read more

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