
Monday, October 13, 2014

Seven Keys to Ministering in Unplanned Moments

As pastors, we are right to prioritize and emphasize public proclamation of the gospel and carefully planned and structured times for discipleship and counseling. Most pastors appreciate structure and ample time for preparation. We like the security of the pulpit and our study, but if we are to do the necessary work of “bearing one another’s burdens” to “fulfill the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2), then we must be willing to work in unplanned moments outside of our set structures.

If we are to be God’s men for God’s people, we must be willing to get into the lives of people, and it is often not as hard as it seems. I have found great opportunity to counsel, disciple, love, care, edify, and even rebuke during informal times. The “edges” of the church are great places to apply the Word of God as a pastor. The “edges” or the “periphery” of the church include places like hallways, parking lots, sidewalks, foyers, and nurseries. There have been times in my life when my most important ministry on any given day took place in a hallway or a quiet corner after service ended. Read more

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