
Friday, October 24, 2014

Why Every Christian Can Affirm Eternal Security

Some churches teach that a believer can lose his salvation, while other churches teach that such a thing is impossible. So who is correct?

The overwhelming weight of biblical material on this subject reveals that anyone who is spiritually reborn is thereby eternally secure in Christ. In other words, a believer does not have to be worried about "losing his salvation."

Here is how the New Testament addresses the topic. Christians trust Christ alone for salvation. As believers, we then "sow to please the Spirit." (Gal. 6:8) That is, believers sincerely want to live for Christ everyday. It's just what we do. The Holy Spirit within us motivates us daily to walk on the narrow road of discipleship. On the other hand, those who are not spiritually reborn "sow to please the sinful nature." (Gal. 6:8) In other words, they don't yet have the new nature which comes with spiritual conversion. All they have is their old sinful nature, and it controls their mind. They are not under the control of the Holy Spirit because He is not yet living inside them through faith in Christ.

There are serious warnings in the New Testament directed at those who are living for sin rather than living for the Savior. Those warnings are specifically aimed at unbelievers, and some of those unbelievers are hypocrites. That is to say, some of them profess to know Christ, and yet, the dominant intention of their heart is to live for sin. And so that's what they do. They are still "slaves to sin" (Romans 6:20) rather than "slaves to God." (Romans 6:22) Read more

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