
Saturday, November 22, 2014

3 Reasons to Prioritize Scripture in Student Ministry

There’s no doubt that with every generation there comes a new sense of busyness and activity that is usually greater than the one before it. Whatever the causes may be, it just seems apparent that with each new decade there comes with it more things to fill our lives with. And the increase of things within our lives usually translates into a decrease of the available time we have within our schedules.

Take students for example. In one sense, students today are busier than those of a previous generation. While there’s no doubt that much of their time could be redeemed and repurposed for other things, they do often have a lot on their plate. But in light of this new norm, how do we reason with our students, as well as ourselves, that we should prioritize our time, schedules, and our lives around God’s Word? Why, in the midst of the ever-increasing demands of life, should we place God’s Word at the center of it all? Let me suggest at least three ways as to why we should value time in God’s Word, showing why it is important for students both now and for their future. Read more

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