
Friday, November 28, 2014

4 Cs of Building a Team Parts 1 and 2

4 Cs of Building a Team Part 1

A wise leader obsesses over having the right players on the team. A team filled with the right players is exponentially more effective than a team filled with the wrong players. Whether hiring employees or recruiting volunteers, I find it helpful to have a general framework from which you view potential team members.

Two of the most common frameworks are the Three (or Four) Cs and the Four Es. Chick-Fil-A, Northpoint Community Church, and Bill Hybels all utilize the three Cs or a similar variation. Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electric, popularized the Four Es. Even if you do not systemize these in your recruiting, I believe they are helpful to keep in mind as you build a team. Allow me to offer some insights from these two frameworks.... Read more

4 Cs of Building a Team Part 2

To help ministry leaders think about how they recruit people to join their teams, I thought it would be helpful to look at two frameworks commonly used in recruiting/hiring. One that has been particularly helpful to me is the Four Cs: character, competence, chemistry, and conviction. I addressed the first two, character and competence, yesterday. So we’ll continue today with three and four. Read more

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