
Thursday, November 27, 2014

7 Important Reasons to Thank Your Worship Leader Today

For over a decade our church struggled to find someone we could rely on to lead our congregation in worship week after week. We had some help on and off, but no one who was able to stay consistent over the long term.

Then he blessed us with two great leaders in a row. First with Travis Martin, then with Ami Garcia. Because of them, we’ve had dedicated, teachable and talented worship leadership for several years now. Thank you Travis for laying such a great foundation. Thank you Ami for what you’ve built on that foundation. Our church is better because of you.

If your church has someone who is willing to lead your congregation in worship consistently, humbly and reliably, you need to take time to thank them on a regular basis.

Actually, don’t just thank them. Encourage them. Support them. And run interference for them.

This also applies to youth workers, children’s ministers, seniors leaders, and others. But I’m focusing on worship leaders today for one simple reason.

There is no ministry in our churches under more attack today than our worship departments and their leaders. Often with so-called “friendly fire”.

Yes, at times they are part of the problem. But, more often than not, they’re the unfairly-accused victim. Read more

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