
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

7 Questions Every Volunteer Asks But Never Says Out Loud

So you’d love to see more volunteers serve in your church or organization.

Who wouldn’t?

And yet when it come to volunteers, a surprising number of leaders struggle. Many leaders suffer from:

A chronic shortage

High turnover

Mediocre or poor morale

Ask most leaders why this is, and they can’t tell you.

And yet the reasons are not that difficult to figure out. Often you just need to shift perspectives. Read more
What I frequently encounter on the Internet are suggestions for helping a church to achieve a better fit between people and unpaid, volunteer positions in a church organization and reducing volunteer turnover, not for assisting the people of God to discover and fulfill their divine design. Doing a better job of matching people with these positions, however, is not the same as helping them to recognize, develop, and use their spiritual gifts and talents in the service of God.

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