
Saturday, November 22, 2014

7 Ways to Improve Your Church’s Twitter Profile Right Now

If you care a lot about your church’s digital presence, you’ve probably spent a lot of time working on your website’s homepage. You’ve thought through the menu, the main images and the how your logo is displayed. You know that your website is the first thing that most of your visitors will see (yes, even before they see your building).

Your Twitter profile shouldn’t be treated any differently. Your Twitter profile is a great way to display your branding and provide additional call to actions for your visitors. Sadly, a lot churches neglect their Twitter profile and never take the time to give it the proper attention it deserves. What a lot of churches don’t realize is that just like their website’s homepage, the Twitter profile page is extension of their digital brand.

Don’t lose out on this opportunity to maintain and enhance your digital presence. There are some simple things that you can do make sure your church is getting the most out of its Twitter profiles. Don’t know where to start? Well, here are seven ways you can improve your church’s Twitter profile right now.... Read more

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