
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

A Letter to My Worship Leaders (Part 1)

Worship leaders have one of the most important roles in the church, here is my letter to mine.

I love pastors and church leaders.

A great deal of my time is spent teaching, encouraging, and developing resources to help them as they equip the church for the work of ministry (Eph 4:12). As those who will give account for the people under their care, they carry a heavy burden (Heb 13:17), and the purpose of much of my work is to undergird what they do.

A big part of the role of pastors is to shape and lead the corporate gatherings of their churches, which includes input into the culture and practice of worship. That doesn’t mean hands on involvement in the day-to-day work of the worship leader, but it does mean prayerful wisdom poured into the worship ministry.

As a fellow pastor, I understand that part is not always easy, particularly since the lead pastor is most often not the one directly leading worship. As such, there must be good continual open communication between the pastor and the worship leader.

The following is one of the ways I’ve tried to communicate with my own church’s worship leaders and speak into an incredibly important ministry in the life of our church. Hopefully, it is helpful to other pastors who are having the same conversations.

In this case, I just sat down with Mark Campbell, our worship leader, and shared these things that I've used over the years. I wrote them in a letter but then sat down and shared them... and now am sharing them with you. Read more

See also
A Letter to My Worship Leaders (Part 2)

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