
Thursday, November 13, 2014

Believers in trailer park 'give everything they have'

They are the forgotten people. The individuals you might not even notice if you passed them on the street.

They are in every community. On the fringes of neighborhoods dotted with white picket fences. At the end of gravel roads that seem to go nowhere. The people who wash your dishes at the chain restaurant. Change your car's oil. Scramble your eggs at the local diner.

They are the forgotten people to almost everyone except Pam Whitehead, who affectionately refers to them as "my people."

Her people live in Conestoga Mobile Home Park in Monroe, Ga., where a singlewide trailer serves as home base for the Southern Baptist missionary to minister to the real needs of her people as she shares about Jesus. Read more

See also
Desperate prayer leads 'Miracle' to trailer park
What unreached and unengaged population groups is your church seeking to reach and engage? Your judicatory?Your denomination? 
Photo: Baptist Press 

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