
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Church of England approves historic plan for women to become bishops

One of Australia's first female bishops has welcomed a historic move by the Church of England to allow women to become bishops.

Bishop Barbara Darling was the second woman priest to be consecrated in Australia after the Anglican Church of Australia began ordaining women as bishops in 2008.

The Assistant Bishop in the Eastern Region of the Melbourne said it had taken the Church of England a long time to sign legislation allowing women to be ordained as bishops, and said she was excited to see who would fill nine vacant positions.

"There are some women leaders in England who are very senior members of the diocese already,” she said. “And I think many of them would make excellent leaders.

“I am looking forward to seeing who the first bishops who are women will be.”

The Church of England's first female bishop was expected to take her seat next year. Read more

See also
Church of England Approves Plan Allowing Female Bishops
Final approval given to women bishops at General Synod

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