
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Create a Research and Development Fund

Budget for unexpected ministry opportunities.

In my own ministry experience, I have found that the best ideas for new ministry often come in the middle of a budget year. A new evangelism or outreach ministry idea, for example, suddenly energizes lay leaders, who approach the staff for funding. Or the church is approached by outside partners, such as a school or youth center, with a community ministry idea. Or a community crisis, or a new need, may present itself, and the church is asked to respond.

In the middle of the budget year, how can you respond? One option is to simply say: "It's not in the budget, wait until next year." But that approach has costs: It may throw a wet blanket on the energy lay leaders have for a new ministry, or it may allow the budget calendar to block the moving of the Holy Spirit.

Here's another way to respond to mid-year opportunities: develop a ministry research and development (R&D) fund. Funds either are set aside in the annual budget as a line item, or through a separate fund established with money that carries over from year to year.

Your church might use a ministry R&D fund for the following kinds of expenses.... Read more

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