
Thursday, November 20, 2014

Evangelism: It’s Too Complicated: A guest post by Trillia Newbell

Don't make evangelism more complicated than it already is. Trillia shares ways to simplify evangelism.

According to a LifeWay Research study conducted in 2012, 80 percent of church-going American Protestants who attend church one or more times a month believes they have a responsibility to share their faith. Of that same group, however, 61 percent have not shared the gospel in the six months prior to the research. The research also found that 48 percent of church attendees had not invited an unchurched person to attend church serve or a program at their church over the six months prior.

Most of us are probably not surprised by these statistics but we should be. Knowing that we have the greatest news on earth should motivate us to get up and share, invite, and engage those who may not know Jesus. I think there are several reasons why we don’t share. But today I’d like to explore one possibility: evangelism seems complicated. Read more

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