
Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Is Your Church Ready? Deepak Reju on Preventing and Responding to Child Abuse

The stats are staggering. And the safety of our children is at stake.

So what’s your church doing about it?

Deepak Reju’s new book, On Guard: Preventing and Responding to Child Abuse (New Growth), is a brilliantly helpful resource aimed at instructing and empowering churches to respond to this quiet crisis. With 25 endorsements from a diverse range of leaders, On Guard is widely praised and tragically needed. After introducing us to the issue, Reju presents eight practical strategies for protecting against abuse and three for responding to it.

I corresponded with the pastor of biblical counseling and family ministry at Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, D.C., about why churches are so vulnerable, what makes his strategy uniquely effective, how a church can get started, and more. (After reading, watch our roundtable video discussions on “Preventing Sexual Abuse in the Church” and “Caring for Victims of Sexual Abuse” featuring Justin Holcomb, Scotty Smith, and Trillia Newbell.) Read more

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