
Friday, November 14, 2014

Testing Leadership Ambition

I had spent months writing a book, working hard to speak truthfully and persuasively, and I sat there holding it in my hands deciding whether or not I should give it to the influential leader standing on the other side of the room. It should’ve been easy to walk over and say, “Hey (insert name of respected leader), I wrote this book and just wanted to give you a free copy without any expectations.”

Christian leaders, in any environment, often struggle with how to think through and process the ambition that fills them. There is a battle in our hearts that leads us to either self-righteously cast out all attempts to grow in our calling and gifts (labeling them “selfish”), or to selfishly pursue all attempts to increase our “platform,” that dangerous term, by outdoing all others in showing honor to ourselves.

How do we remain humbly faithful, while at the same time practicing a holy ambition? When does the pursuit to be a faithful steward of our gifts and abilities become a selfish pursuit of fame and status? Read more

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