
Monday, November 24, 2014

Three Trends in Local Churches That Are Accelerating

If you are a regular reader of this blog, you are aware that I share major trends in local churches in America on an annual basis. I write about these trends the first week in January, and I plan to do so again in 2015.

I watch the trends throughout the year. I am curious to see how accurate my predications are; and I desire to see if there are any major shifts taking place.

Among the trends I noted, I see three of them that are growing at an accelerated pace. To use the words of Jim Collins, they are in the midst of the flywheel effect. Indeed, it looks like they may shape the way churches function for years to come.

Please note that I provide these trends as observations without offering qualitative assessments. Indeed, I confess that I am not fully certain about the impact of these trends in our churches in the years ahead. Read more

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