
Monday, November 24, 2014

Want to Be Missional in the Way of Jesus?—Don’t Make These Five Mistakes

Living on mission is important, and Christ must be the center of the missional Christian's message.

One of the attractions of the “missional” label is the inherent affirmation of Christ’s mission in and to the world. If we are followers of Christ, then part of that mission must include the idea that we want all people to know Him.

The term “missional” came into prominent use in the late 20th century as an adjective describing the activity of God’s people in the world for His mission. Today, the term has taken on broad meanings by such diverse and often contradictory voices that, to some, “missional” has become virtually meaningless.

I’ve been working on my chapter for a forthcoming book on the meanings of missional. As I write, I am increasingly convinced that the word has value—but we have to define what we mean by mission.

Or, better yet, let Jesus define it. Read more

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