
Monday, November 17, 2014

Woman Who Proclaimed Jesus During Islamic Prayer Service at National Cathedral: I Love Muslims

Christine Weick, the Christian woman who snuck into the invitation-only Islamic prayer service last Friday afternoon at the Washington National Cathedral, said that although she interrupted the service to proclaim the name of Jesus and tell worshippers inside to stay away from U.S. churches, she loves Muslims.

"God has a love for them. He does, 'God so loved the world.' That includes Muslims. I have a love for them. They are a beautiful people. Most of them are very kind," Weick, 50, told The Christian Post Sunday.

The service held inside the Episcopal church was meant to promote interfaith prayer and improve global relations between Muslims and Christians, according to church and Muslim group organizers.

However, Weick, who is not a stranger to controversy, having also protested at LGBT events, said that when it comes to freedom of religion in America, there is an uneven battlefield. Weick, who wrote the book, Explain This! A Verse by Verse Explanation of the Book of Revelation, is living primarily out of her car while touring book fairs and other various events.

"For those that say this is a country of freedom of religion, then I say let's play fair," she said. "Let us have a Bible study in their mosque. Let me pass out the Bible tracts at their mosque instead of having the police called out on me. Why can't Franklin Graham go into the biggest mosque in Dearborn, Michigan, and hold a prayer vigil on Easter Sunday there? They will not allow it because they are not tolerant of us. They wanted nothing to do with Christianity." Read more
Weick has a point. Would the Muslims who prayed in the Washington National Cathedral open their mosques for an Episcopal celebration of the Eucharist with incense, candles, vestments, and prayers to the Holy Trinity and to Jesus Christ as the Son of God? 

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