
Wednesday, December 24, 2014

3 Ways to Guard Your Christmas Witness

Tis the season when "Jingle Bells" and "Deck the Halls" find their way back into the public consciousness right alongside musty manger scenes. Tis the season when the biblical story's long-expected arrival is strangely intermingled with the wider culture’s celebration of the toys and goodies on Santa's sleigh. For the Christian, this season brings great opportunity; there aren't many times in the calendar year when the meaning of Jesus’s entry into the world can be so easily brought up in conversation.

Yet the season also brings warning. If the Christian and the church aren't careful, the very event that caused a host of mighty angels to appear before lowly shepherds can start to seem just as make-believe as the local Santa in the shopping mall.

Here are a few suggestions to guard your and your church’s witness this season. Read more

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