
Monday, December 15, 2014

A New Generation of Church Leaders Takes the Helm: Seven Articles

Dan Kimball: Listen to Tomorrow

I am part of a church where I am now the oldest staff member. I remember being on a church staff as the youngest. I’d be sitting in meetings thinking how much older the senior pastor was. The women’s director could have been my mom. I was the young one with fresh ideas and a pulse on the culture and the world. Now, I could almost be a dad to some of the staff.

Over the years, I have grown to love being the older one. And at Vintage Faith Church, we have a young staff, including about 15 part-timers and interns. I am constantly immersed in the world of the next generation. Things are never dull, never slip into routine and I never lose touch with emerging culture. It is as if I am in a think tank of information and ideas from that age group, which has led me to these observations.... Read more

Three Common Fears of Every Young Leader

I’m convinced.

After years mentoring younger leaders, there is something all of us leaders with more experience need to know.

Every young leader shares some common fears.

Granted, I’ve mostly worked with young male leaders (and I am the parent of boys), but I suspect these fears aren’t gender exclusive.

And, they aren’t talked about much — or even admitted — the pressure to perform often keeps us from admitting fear — but they are real fears. Read more

Beyond the Dream: No Time for Leaders to Coast

Q: I’m a younger church leader. I’m just wondering what it’s like to be past all the hard and difficult building years and to actually be experiencing the fulfillment of what were once only your dreams for ministry?

I have to be honest here. This question got my head spinning with a ton of different thoughts … some nice and some not so nice. Read more

10 Concerns of Young Church Leaders

I have previously posted here about what we older leaders need to hear from young church leaders, but I continue to learn from them and about them. They are passionate, energetic, globally minded, committed . . . and concerned. Here are some of their concerns we must consider.... Read more

Three Benefits of Leading in an Established Church

Thom Rainer recently published an article giving five reasons Millennial’s are increasingly disinterested in leading in established churches. Given my personal context as a Millennial who is leading in an established church, I was intrigued. While my time leading at Faith Baptist Mill Creek has been challenging, it’s also been full of great joy, and leading at Faith has presented me with opportunities that never would have been possible in a less-established situation.

When it comes to the topic of church revitalization there are lots of voices sharing the difficulties of embarking on such a journey. And rightfully so because revitalization is tough! Tough though it may be, I believe with all my heart that there are unique opportunities available to advance the Kingdom of God through revitalization that simply aren’t available elsewhere. As someone in the midst of the process with all its ups and downs I continue to believe that revitalization is worth it. So here are five reasons this Millennial is grateful to be able to lead in an established church. Read more

4 Things Every 20-Something Church Leader Should Know

Recently I was able to be a part of a beautiful reconciliation between a number of churches in one of the largest cities in our state. Here are 4 things I learned from that experience that every 20-something church leader should keep in mind when doing mission.

If you want to seek peace and reconciliation in your city throughout the days, weeks and years to come – if you want Jesus to be glorified and his Bride to be magnified – you will want to keep these 4 things in mind.... Read more

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