
Friday, December 12, 2014

Don’t Do Church Small, Do Small Church Really Well

Small Churches. We may not be what you think we are.

Yesterday I had a short conversation with a fellow pastor / denominational leader.

“You know Karl, I read your book recently and really liked it,” he told me.

So far, so good. I’ll take that whenever I can get it.

Then he continued.

“But I have a confession to make…”

Despite our amiable, but limited relationship, I knew what he was going to say next. Because I’ve had this conversation before.

“Until I read your book, I’d heard that you had a ministry to Small Churches. But I had the wrong idea about it....”

He paused and let the words sit there, so I finished his sentence for him.

“You thought it was about little churches settling for less, maybe even complaining about the big, bad churches out there....”

“Yes, I did!”, he responded. “But it’s exactly the opposite of that, isn’t it!”  Yes, it is. Read more

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