
Friday, December 19, 2014

More Characteristics of High-Definition Evangelism

What gospel-centered evangelism looks like in a multiethnic context.

A few weeks ago, I shared three characteristics of high-definition evangelism. Today, I want to continue that conversation with three more ideas to help you be intentional in reaching out to a multiethnic world.

In the earlier article, I shared how gospel-centered vision, worship and discipleship shape high-definition evangelism in our communities. The stakes are high. Only six percent of churches in America are considered growing and with a shift in demographics that is reshaping communities to be more multiethnic that ever, we need to up our game to be worthy of our calling in Christ to be fishers of men.

Let’s look at three more characteristics of churches that will impact their communities and increase the kingdom of God on earth. Read more

See also
Gospel-Centered Evangelism
7 Startling Facts: An Up Close Look at Church Attendance in America

Photo: Brandon Robinson

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