
Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Muslim Clerics Who Incited Lynching of Pakastani Christian Couple Likely to Escape Punishment [Correction]

Pakistan Supreme Court Orders Arrest of Muslim Clerics Who Incited Mob to Kill Christian Couple With Pregnant Wife

Pakistan's Supreme Court has ordered the arrest of two Muslim clerics for inciting a violent mob of hundreds of Muslims to brutally beat, torture, burn and murder a married Christian couple in the Punjab Province in early November.

The court also ordered disciplinary action to be levied against five police officials, who were present during the time of the beatings but took no action to protect the two individuals. Additionally, the court ordered a complete investigation into the incident and also ordered compensation payments to be made to the family of the victimized couple. Read more

Pakistan Local Gov't Destroyed 13 Christian Families' Homes After They Refused to Work for Free as Bonded Laborers

Thirteen Christian families in a small village located in the Punjab province of Pakistan are now homeless after the local municipal government demolished their homes because the families refused to work for no pay and become bonded laborers.

Members of the Christian families, who all worked at a local brick kiln in the village of Samundri, refused to continue working unless they received fair compensation for their labor. Pakistan Christian Post reports that the village's municipal government carried out the destruction of their homes last week after being pressured to do so by the "influential" Muslims who owned the brick kiln operation. Read more

See also
13 Christian families become homeless in Pakistan
Bonded labor is illegal under Pakistani law. Will the Muslims who owned the brick kiln operation face prosecution? Not likely. I also expect the two Muslim clerics who were arrested for inciting the mob who burned a pregnant Christian woman and her husband alive eventually to be released without suffering any consequences for their crime. 

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