
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Pope Francis calls for rethink on treatment of divorcees

The Pope is asking bishops and priests around the world to consider whether Orthodox church practice might be the best way forward to resolve the crisis over divorce and remarriage.

In the "Lineamenta" or discussion document for the final Synod on the Family, which takes place next October in Rome a year after the last one, bishops are asked to assess Orthodox Church practice.

Currently, a spouse who is betrayed by their partner through infidelity or other falsehood is unable to remarry after a civil divorce without losing access to the sacraments, including Holy Communion. This effectively excommunicates thousands of innocent men and women, who are unable to confess and be absolved, and thus be readmitted to the sacraments, while remaining in what the Church regards as an irregular marriage.

The document asks bishops to bear in mind the "distinction" between objective sinfulness and extenuating circumstances.

Bishops and cardinals are also being asked to consider whether the process of obtaining an annulment can be made easier, more affordable and even, possibly, free. Read more

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