
Saturday, December 06, 2014

Sales of Ouija boards spike, but how dangerous are they?

It's become a staple of the horror film genre, regarded with deep uneasiness by many Christians involved in healing and deliverance ministries and with deep glee by retailers. Depending on your point of view, the Ouija board is either a portal to the dark dimensions or a harmless parlour game.

Every so often, it hits the headlines again. This time round it's thanks to internet search giant Google, which released figures about search trends leading up to the notorious Black Friday, which sees billions spent in store and on line in a single day. A throwaway sentence in the release remarks that thanks to the just-out eponymous horror film, searches for Ouija boards are up by 300 per cent since October. It's evidently the must-buy Christmas present this year.

But what exactly is it, and should we be worried? Read more
The use of a Ouija board can serve as a gateway to further involvement in occult practices such as crystal gazing, seances, Tarot card reading, and witchcraft. 

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