
Wednesday, December 03, 2014

The State of Theology: The Good Book

This represents the current number of Bibles per American household, according to a survey by the American Bible Society. Of course, many households have more; some have less. But that same survey reports that nearly 9 in 10 of every American household has at least one Bible.

I remember seeing a list of books that every well-stocked and well-respected home library should have. Next to the writings of Shakespeare, comes the standard list of classics. Then follows the biographies and autobiographies. Next, poetry, and don’t forget philosophy. You also need a few good reference books, especially a good dictionary. Large folio art and architecture books are sure to impress. And, of course, no self-respecting home library would be without a Bible, or two. Or, as the case may be, 4.7.

A crucial question, though, remains: Are these Bibles being read? Read more

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