
Wednesday, January 10, 2018

7 Ways New Preachers Bat from the Wrong Side of the Plate

My brother bats left-handed. It’s the strangest thing, because he does everything else—writes, throws, waves, swipes cards—with his right hand.

I once asked him to explain the anomaly of his left-handed batting habit. “It’s simple,” he began. “I just started wrong and stuck with it.” That got me thinking about preachers. Specifically, new preachers—the rookies forging early pulpit habits, seminary-minted dudes filling new pulpits, and the guys sharpening their tools on the steel of church planting. Maybe that was once you, or maybe it’s you right now. If so, then take a lesson from my brother’s swing: Don’t get off on the wrong foot. And if you do, for mercy sakes, don’t stick with it!

Over three decades of ministry, I’ve heard some preaching in need of a restart. Sadly, much of it has spilled from my own lips. Like my brother, I started wrong in a number of areas, until my pulpit swinging was corrected by either bad fruit or good counsel. Some of my mistakes were common to early preachers. Other rookie errors, thankfully, I avoided.

Here are seven of the more familiar ones. If you’re in the first few innings of a preaching ministry, perhaps this list will help you to start right, swing straight, and stick with it. Read More

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