
Monday, January 08, 2018

Fear the Lord, Not the New Year

If I am honest, facing the start of a new year is often a fearsome thought. The reality is, I don’t know what the new year holds. Yes, it is great to plan and even set goals, but the reality is we don’t know for sure what tomorrow will bring. However, our fear of the new should not snuff out our fear of the Lord. In fact, Proverbs 1:11 says, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.”

To fear the Lord is to approach Him with a reverent attitude of worship that regards Him as truly awesome! In short, to fear the Lord sets Him in His rightful place in our lives as not only being greater, but our source of hope, adoration and wisdom.

Have you ever considered what causes certain men and women of God to step out and follow the Lord, even in the direst of circumstances? I would argue that the fear of the Lord leads many to go where God has called them and to follow through with what God has called them to do. Read More

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