
Monday, January 15, 2018

Not Just for Pastors

6 Reminders on the Importance of Pastoral Leadership

Every church deserves to [be] well fed and well led to the glory of God. Well fed churches are nourished in rich doctrine through the preaching of the Word and discipleship. Well led churches are organized with clarity of vision and a plan for accomplishing it. It has been my experience that most pastors focus on feeding the flock, but very few approach leading the flock with the same passion and sense of importance.

I have pastored The Journey Church for twelve years. In that time, I have found it easier to focus on theology and put leadership as a secondary matter. I created a list several years ago to remind myself how important it was for me as pastor to lead the church well. The list is not exhaustive, but it helped me. I hope they can be of help to others too. Read More

5 Traits of the Aware Leader

If a leader wants to be fully “aware”, there are disciplines they must have in place. For example, as a leader, do you want to easily recognize the need for change and the proper timing to introduce it? That comes partly by being a more aware leader.

Here are 5 traits of the aware leader.... Read More

12 Great Leadership Questions Every Leader Should Be Asking

One of the best things a leader can do is ask the right questions. I love to say to our team, “I only know what I know.” The leader can often be the last to know where there is a problem or what others are thinking, so asking questions is critical to good leadership. Read More

How to Deal with Criticism

I don’t like criticism. I don’t like it when someone negatively critiques my sermon, my blogs, my teaching, or anything else. I want to be humble and teachable, but I still struggle every time criticism happens. So, I’m still learning to do these things that help me in those times.... Read More

7 Things for Your 2018 Calendar

The end of the year is a time for endings and beginnings. A time to reflect and plan for the coming year. As you approach 2018, let's look at seven things that you should be thinking about putting on your church calendar. Read More

What Every Leader Should Know About Time Management—ASAP

Is it possible that you could actually accomplish more for the kingdom by doing less? Read More

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