
Monday, January 08, 2018

Shepherds to Christ's Flock

How to Discourage Your Minister in the New Year

I recently had someone come to see me who was struggling in their church. In all honesty it would have been hard to be more depressed by what they had to say. I had very little sympathy with their complaints and told them if they wanted affirmation I was the wrong man to whom they should come. However, on account of their coming to me, I want to give you 6 ways to discourage your minister in the New Year.... Read More

10 Ways to Love Your Pastor Better in 2018

This past week, I’ve spent some time with several seminarians and rookie/young pastors as we’ve been traveling together overseas. I always try to listen to their fears and concerns about ministry, not only to learn about them but also to help churches love them well.

Frankly, they fear much about ministry because of what they’ve heard from others already in ministry. With those fears in mind, I offer these ways to love your pastor better this year—regardless of how long he’s been in ministry. Read More

Getting Alone with God Is Always in Season

Life can get busy for anyone, and this is certainly no different for pastors. And for pastors, there is a rhythm to our year that involves seasons of more intense ministry, like Christmas and Easter.

Regardless of the season you’re in right now, it’s always appropriate to withdraw and spend time seeking God’s favor on your life and ministry. Read More

Bogged Down in Minutiae: The Occupational Hazard of the Pastor’s Daily Existence

Ask any pastor.

The size of his congregation is immaterial, but my observation is it’s the minister of the medium-sized flock who has it hardest.

The pastor of the tiny church has one well-defined set of jobs and the leader of the mega-congregation another entirely. The first has a few well-defined roles while the latter may have a vast team of helpers so he can put his focus where his gifts are.

It’s the poor pastor in the middle who has little say-so about what he will do today. Read More
Pastoring may be a tough row to how, as they say here in the South, but I don't believe that God would call you to that ministry unless he planned to supply you with the grace that you need to be faithful in it. During 2018 let us pray for other pastors as well as ourselves - not just for the pastors in our denomination or church network but all pastors irregardless of whether they are ordained or licensed or shepherds of Christ's flock by virtue of the leadership role in which they find themselves. I know it is easier said than done. But we all need each other's prayers.

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