
Thursday, January 11, 2018

The Making of a Pastor

The Gospel-Shaped Pastor

How (and why) should we keep the good news of the finished work of Christ at the center of our hearts and the forefront of our minds? There are many reasons, but here are four of the more important ones. Read More

Smile When You Talk On The Phone

People are more open to hear hard truths when they’re delivered from a positive mindset. Read More

The Importance of What We Do in Secret

According to Jesus, it is what we do in secret that matters most. Jesus is not suggesting that the outward is unimportant—far from it. “What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him?” (James 2:14).

The answer is emphatically no. Still, it is also possible to have outward works but no inner reality. In this instance, religion is a pretense.... Read More

People: Gift or Lesson?

Some people come into your life as a blessing. Some come into your life as a lesson. Read More
I came to the same conclusion over two decades ago. Unfortunately I have not always recognized the gift or learned the lesson.
10 Ways to Spend More Time with God

I don’t know many church leaders who think they spend sufficient time with God. Our lives are busy, and it’s tough to add more responsibilities to our plate. Here, though, are some ways to spend more time with God, beginning today. Read More

Who is Your Armor-Bearer?

Every pastor needs an armor-bearer of sorts. Read More

The Need For External Confirmation: Do Others Agree with Your Calling

When it comes to evaluating the call to pastoral ministry, a personal sense of calling isn’t enough. The subjective sense of calling must be objectively validated by others. External assessment is an essential cord that tethers you, and your church, to safety. Read More

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