
Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Tuesday's Catch: "Eating Together" and More

Eating Together

We learn in the Bible that sharing a meal together is one of the primary ways relationships are established, deepened, and enjoyed both with God and with others. Read More

Eight Reasons Denominations Are Struggling - Rainer on Leadership #402 [Podcast]

Thom Rainer and Jonathan Howe turn their attention to denominations today and examine eight reasons many of them are struggling. Listen Now

Is Christ’s Victory Over Evil Powers the Centre of His Death and Resurrection? A Reply to David Bentley Hart on Paul’s Gospel

David Bentley Hart has written a provocative article, ‘Everything you know about the Gospel of Paul is likely wrong’.[1] In it he rejects that version of the gospel believed by ‘the average American Christian—say, some genial Presbyterian who attends church regularly and owns a New International Version of the Bible’. He replaces it with his own version of the gospel which centres on Christ’s defeat of evil powers. Read More

Planter, Become a Better Preacher

While there are many things a young church plant can overcome in order to establish itself, poor preaching isn’t one of them. Read More

Does the Bible teach Generational Curses?

In short, no. In Exodus 20:4-6 the subject is idolatry. Regarding those who commit idolatry, we learn that God would visit the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Him. Notice, the text says “generations of those who hate Me.” Read More

Did the Church Fathers View Their Own Writings as “Inspired” Like Scripture?

Did the church fathers really see their own writings as on the same level as those of the apostles as some contemporary writers are claiming? Read More

Out loud with words...the power of the "propositional" Gospel

Those who believe in the power of the Gospel message to save the lost can sometimes be looked down upon as simplistic, even foolish. Read More

Behavioral Science Catches Up to the Bible

Research is confirming ancient wisdom about human nature. But can it really make us better people? Read More

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