
Monday, February 05, 2018

Monday's Catch: "Caring for the Poor and Weak" and More

Caring for the Poor and Weak

Even though his solution represents a worse disease, Nietzsche had a point about the idea of helping the weak being uniquely biblical. Read More

Why Most Mission Statements Fail In Smaller Churches

In a smaller church, instead of uniting people, a mission statement can feel controlling and manipulative. Read More

Who Watches Porn? 3 Key Predictors of Porn Use

I recently completed research on over 3,600 men and women struggling with unwanted sexual behavior, be that pornography, an affair, buying sex, etc. I found that the sexual fantasies, porn searches, and sexual behaviors we pursue are not random. They are a direct reflection of the parts of our story–past and present–that remain unaddressed. If you want to find freedom from pornography, you must identify the reasons that bring you to it. Read More

Why do Churches cover up sin?

I’ve seen and heard of multiple occasions on both sides of the Atlantic where good people (and some not so good) have made horrendous decisions about how to handle complaints against individuals within the church. Time and again I’ve found myself utterly perplexed: “Why are they doing this? How can they do that? What is their motivation?” Read More

Worshiping a Limitless God with Limited Resources

How we can encourage our 8-chord guitarists facing 10-20 musically impartial believers to strive on in tough circumstances where there is little to no encouragement and new believers who come from zero congregational singing cultures? Read More
While picking the best songs and sing them more often is good advice, limiting a congregation's repertoire to about 25 songs underestimates a congregation's ability to learn and master new songs. A much better approach is to be more intentional in building up a congregation's repertoire, choosing new songs that are biblical and theologically sound and which are accessible to the average singer in the congregation, introducing them to the congregation in a systematic way, taking the time to teach them to the congregation and practice them with the congregation, and then repeating them frequently until the congregation has mastered them. After the congregation has mastered one new song, then another new song can be introduced to the congregation. Some new songs are easier to learn than others. The ease with which a new song is learned will determine when the next new song is introduced. If a congregation struggles with a new song, the song should be set aside and another new song substituted for it.
3 Ways to Pass on Faith to the Next Generation

It is impossible to lay blame neatly when one generation fails to pass its faith on to the next one. Did the first generation fail to reach out, or did the second generation just harden their hearts? The answer is usually both. Mistakes made by one Christian generation are often magnified in the next, nominal one. Read More

Puerto Rico: 3,000 Churches Damaged, Fewer Christians Left to Rebuild

Attendance drops as 400,000 island residents move to the mainland. Read More

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