
Monday, February 12, 2018

Monday's Catch: "Three Intentional Steps to Reaching Your Goals" and More

Three Intentional Steps to Reaching Your Goals

Someone, somewhere once said, “Goals are dreams with deadlines.” What then are some ways we can keep our dreams alive? Read More

Preacher’s Toolkit: How Do I Teach Difficult Doctrines without Splitting the Church?

Doctrine does not have to divide, however, if a pastor will employ a few basic strategies when he encounters a difficult or controversial doctrine in the Bible. Read More

10 Distractions Regarding Worship Music

A few weeks ago, I posted findings on common worship distractions. Since that time, some readers have questioned me more specifically about our findings regarding the musical component of worship. So, the goal in this post is to respond to that request. Read More

10 Common Worship Distrations

Based on my work as a church consultant, reports from our consultation “secret shoppers,” interviews with church members, and my own experiences, here are ten far-too-common distractions during worship services. Read More

“I give them communion because it does them good”

My dad tells the story about a church he attended where the vicar would ensure the choir boys were given communion because “it does them good.” Shortly after taking communion, the boys would troop out of the service, kicking each other, swearing etc. The communion did not seem to have done them much good at all. Read More

The Doctrine of the Sacraments in the Thirty-Nine Articles

This article was originally published in the January 1991 issue of the Churchman, the journal of the Church Society. In the article Roger Beckwith, librarian of Latimer House, Oxford, and eminent Anglican scholar, examines the doctrine of the sacraments in the Thirty-Nine Articles. This doctrine has bearing on whether children should be admitted to the Lord's Table and when. What has been a chronic problem in the Anglican Church is that children have been allowed to receive communion on the grounds that they have been confirmed and more recently on the grounds that have been baptized before they have evidenced a vital faith and can benefit from receiving communion. The Articles, however, do not teach that the rite of confirmation or the sacrament of baptism confer faith - a decidedly unscriptural view. Read More
A partial list of Roger Beckwith's articles may be found a the Gospel Coalition's Resource Library.
4 Grave Dangers in Every Sin

Tim Challies identies four grave dangers to the sinner that every sin presents. Read More

The Critical Role of Name-Calling in Our Witness: You Are ‘Beloved’

Perfectionism is just chronic insecurity in disguise. Read More

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