
Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Personal Gospel Mercy

Listen carefully in reformed churches, and you will hear the fear that goes something like the following. If the church becomes involved too deeply in social issues or mercy ministry, the gospel will be lost.

Certainly the last century has shown that mainline churches became derailed as influences such as liberal theology, the social gospel, liberation theology, and feminism sent them careening off course. Yet the answer is not for the church to retreat from social matters and set themselves up as theological fortresses that remain unmoved by the affliction around them. As James asks, “What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works?” (Jam. 2:14) Rather, based on a robust gospel foundation, people in congregations must be encouraged and trained to give their neighbors not only the gospel but their own lives and resources as well. Read More

Let the Church Be the Church! Calvin’s Theology of Social Justice [Audio]

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