
Tuesday, February 06, 2018

Tuesday's Catch: "The Effective Leader: Five Essential Habits" and More

The Effective Leader: Five Essential Habits

Jenni Catron, founder of the 4Sight Group, identifies five indispensable disciplines that differentiate an effective leader. Read More

Seven Keys to Growing as a Pastor - Rainer on Leadership #404 [Podcast]

Today, Thom Rainer and Jonathan Howe examine seven areas to focus on as a pastor that will help you serve your church better. Listen Now

J.D. Greear on the Sermon Prep Process

In this For the Church video J. D. Greear describes how he writes his sermons and what goes into his sermon preparation process. Watch Now
Greear's first statement may describe the sermon preparation process of a number of preachers. Rather than preparing a sermon from scratch, they take another preacher's sermon and "make it mine" as Greear puts it.
Paul’s Experience on the Damascus Road

It was Christ’s purpose that the one who would bring the gospel to the nations would have firsthand experience of the saving power of that gospel in his own life. Read More

Plenty of the ‘Nones’ Actually Head Back to Church

Americans who identify as agnostic or “nothing in particular” are four times more likely to change their religious affiliation than Protestants or Catholics. Read More
"Turns out, individuals who religiously identify as nothing in particular are just as likely to tilt toward returning to a Christian tradition as they are to become even more entrenched in having no religion. On the other hand, once an individual affirmatively denies a belief in a specific deity (i.e. describing themselves as agnostic or atheist), it’s rare for them to go back."
The Power of De-Conversion Stories: How Jen Hatmaker is Trying to Change Minds About the Bible

The de-conversion story that Michael Kreuger examines in this article has been used in the Episcopal Church and other mainline denominations to persuade Christians in these denominations to change their views on marriage and human sexuality. Read More

The Lord Is on the Move in the Muslim World—Here Are Five Ways Satan Seeks to Undermine That Work

This article on Muslim missions was written by Greg Livingstone, founder of Frontiers, a mission to the Muslim world, and was originally posted in Desiring God earlier this month. Read More

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