
Friday, March 30, 2018

5 Reasons We Take the Cross for Granted

It’s Easter week, and I’m thinking of the cross today.

Three years into my Christian walk, I traveled to Israel for the first time. I couldn’t wait to get to the place where Jesus died – to stand where He had suffered on my behalf. I did not know then that scholars differ on the location of Golgotha, but one possible site most caught my attention. The site was “Gordon’s Calvary,” a small hill with a rock face that looked like a skull and three trees planted at the top. To my surprise, though, what halted me was not the hill itself – it was the crazy, chaotic, busy, noisy, smelly, crowded, loud bus station directly in front of the hill.

Watching the commotion, I couldn’t fathom how so many people came to the station, hopped on a bus, went to work, returned to the station, and then headed home each day while completely ignoring the place where Jesus may have died. It was as if the cross never existed and the Son never died.

Fast forward more than forty years. I’m a lot older now, and my life’s much, much busier. I come and go, come and go. My calendar’s full. I travel across the country and around the world. My email box is never fully empty. There’s always some other place to be, some other lesson to prepare. I awaken with stuff to do and go to bed with stuff still on my mind. I’m not a lot different from those folks who hopped on and off the bus on that warm Jerusalem day many years ago. And, I’m afraid that in my busyness, I’m also guilty of just walking past the cross.

Here are some reasons many of us will make that same mistake today.... Read More

Also See: 
10 Things You Should Know about the Cross
Obscene, yet Beautiful

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