
Friday, March 02, 2018

Church Growth: Use The Principles, Don’t Buy The Hype

When it comes to church growth and health, we need to lower the volume and listen with both discernment and faith.

The vast majority of the leaders in the church growth movement are good, godly, passionate people who truly want to advance Christ’s kingdom and be a blessing to other churches.

They write books and speak at conferences because they have a passion to share what they’ve learned with others. And they teach great principles that I continue to learn a lot from.

But there’s a subsection of them, just like there is in any group – a very small, but very loud subsection – who give church growth a bad name. They’re not interested in sharing valid principles as much selling their latest book or conference.

They make promises like “I grew my church from 3 to 3,000 in three years, and if you follow my Seven Simple Steps, you can too!”

No you didn’t.

And no I can’t. Read More

Also See:
Leading A Church Through Difficult Times: A Lesson From “The Most Bombed Hotel In The World”
We may plant the fields and tend them but it is God who makes the young plants grow and the fields bear an abundant crop.

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