
Saturday, March 03, 2018

Some Churches Should Die and Stay Dead

Sometimes churches die, and sometimes they should.

As shocking as this may be, the death of a church might be the best thing that could happen for the sake of the gospel within a given community.

Churches are not meant to be mere holding tanks for folks who remember “the good old days,” and if they cannot or will not fulfill their purpose, they don’t need to exist.

Don’t misread me here. Not every struggling church needs to die. Some churches go through rough spots and come out stronger on the other side.

Many that appear to be in their winter years can be revitalized and become effective again through leadership changes or, more likely, through a powerful move of God that stirs their affections and motivates them to love and good deeds. Revitalization happens and should happen more.

Many struggling churches in their twilight years, however, face issues that may have a chokehold on them spiritually, financially and/or relationally. In these cases, it may be best to, as graciously as possible, close the doors.

Many churches just need to close. And for many that feels like a failure. Read More

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