
Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Five Decisions that Helped Turn Around My Small Town Church

I believe your small town church can grow; I believe this because I’m living it.

The small town church where I serve as Executive Pastor will turn 12 years old this year. In those 12 years we’ve experienced incredible growth in many different areas. We’ve seen hundreds of people experience salvation and take their next step through baptism. We’ve seen our giving increase tenfold. And we saw our average weekend attendance top 700 people, in a one stop light town with a population of 2,200. I believe small town pastors have amazing opportunities to do big things in their communities. I believe your small town church can make a big impact, and I believe your small town church can grow; I believe this because I’m living it.

But, before I get you too excited, let me warn you that it wasn’t always this way. Read More
A caveat: what Travis Stevens presents in his article is NOT a formula for church revitalization. Rather he identifies five areas in which his church implemented changes that proved to be key to the turnaround of that particular church in its particular community.

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