
Saturday, April 28, 2018

One-on-One with Scot McKnight on ‘Open to the Spirit’

The Holy Spirit’s involvement in our lives through the cultivation of holiness, spiritual gifts, and worship.

Ed: You say that the secret to experiencing the Christian life is allowing the Holy Spirit to empower us to live as God wants us to live. Why do you think so many Christians today are nervous and hesitant to open themselves up to the Spirit’s work?

Scot: I see three types of hesitancy. First, some lack knowledge or education about the Holy Spirit. Some Christians come of age or are part of a church that goes mum on the Spirit, while others simply haven't listened carefully enough to hear what the Bible clearly says.

Second, some are afraid of the change that comes from transformation. The Spirit doesn't indwell in order to remain silent or to remain ineffective; the Spirit indwells us to make us like Christ. Since we are not Christlike we will have to change. The Spirit does that kind of transforming work.

Third, some have heard too many goofy stories about the extreme edges of Spirit claims. I grew up in a world that went mum on the Spirit because there were so many wild and crazy claims by some in our close circles. I understand that.

My church context was completely confident in eternal security so when I was at a church, as a youngster, and a family member told me a specific woman walking forward went forward weekly to get saved again and again, and then my family member said she needed to get baptized with the Spirit... well, I wasn't so convinced and I learned to be very guarded about the Spirit. Read More

Also See:
Five Extraordinary Benefits of Pentecost


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