
Saturday, April 14, 2018

Saturday Lagniappe: "The Future Belongs to Churches That Send" and More

The Future Belongs to Churches That Send

Ours is a revitalization story, not a church planting one. Long before the Summit was known for being a church that sends, it was a church that desperately needed a fresh breath of new life. Read More

A Churchly Faith

Is the Reformation over? My answer to that question is this: The Reformation is over only to the extent that, in some measure, it has succeeded. And, in some measure, of course, it has succeeded.... Even so, important differences remain among the most intractable is the doctrine of the church. Read More
The 2018 issue of the Beeson magazine is available online in PDF format.
‘Come Sunday,’ ‘The Heretic,’ and the Sad Stories of ‘Rebel’ Pastors

Two newly released films, 'Come Sunday' and 'The Heretic', pitch fallen megachurch pastors Carlton Pearson and Rob Bell as renegade heroes. Read More

The Dangerous ‘Well Done’: Three Risks in Receiving Affirmation

Praise from other people always arrives with potential dangers. Therefore, if we’re wise, we will reflect biblically on the perils of praise. Read More

Build 5 ‘Fences’ to Protect Yourself From Sexual Sin

I am still stunned by respected Christian leaders resigning over sexual misconduct. Can’t we just build the fences we need? Read More

Do We Have To Be Perfect To Preach?

The call to preach requires more of us than verbal proclamation of truth. We must not only speak God’s Word so it can be heard; we must live God’s Word so it can be seen. Read More

Preachers, Let's Stop Stepping on Toes

What can be done to address the low view of preaching and sanctification underlying the practice of "stepping on toes"? Read More

How Social Media Is Designed Around Sin

Trevor Sutton, my co-author of Authentic Christianity, has written a fascinating article entitled "Social Media and Sin". Using Luther’s definition of our sinful condition as being “curved in upon ourselves,” Trevor shows that the very technological design of social media exploits the fallen weaknesses and the sinful proclivities of the self. Read More
Considering that we live in sinful world, it is not surprising that social media is designed around sin. A lot of things in this world are designed around sin.
The Danger of the Foolish Tongue

Just as James points out, a little fire can set a great forest ablaze—so it is with the power of the tongue. We must respect the power of the tongue and fear the evil that can come if it’s not kept in check. Below are two dangers of an uncontrolled tongue. Read More

How to Ask Better Questions in a Post-Christian World

Andrew Katay examines the difference between macroculture and microculture and the bearing this difference has upon the way Christians should relate to non-Christians in a post-Christian world. Read More

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