
Thursday, April 05, 2018

Thursday's Catch: "The Five Main Reasons Pastors Quit Revitalization Efforts" and More

The Five Main Reasons Pastors Quit Revitalization Efforts - Revitalize & Replant #035

There are several things that pastors can encounter that will make them want to quit. Today, we cover five of them related to revitalization. Read More

My Eternal Destiny Hangs Suspended on a Preposition!

The good news that constitutes what we call the Christian “gospel” is nowhere better summarized than in 1 Peter 3:18. There the apostle tells us that “Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God.” Read More

Let's Rethink Our Language of 'Calling'

Is an experience like Paul's a necessary requirement for anyone serving as a pastor or missionary? Read More

Why and When You Should Encourage People NOT To Enter Vocational Ministry

The fact is, we are all called into ministry, sent on mission, and to honor God through our vocation. Read More

4 Lessons I Learned from My Dad, a Faithful Pastor for 37 Years

Megan Hill describes what she learned from her father's long pastorate at the Presbyterian Church of Coventry, a PCA congregation in rural Connecticut. Read More

10 Signs We Might Think We're More Important than We Are

To be honest, I don’t know any leaders who don’t struggle at some point with ego. The problem is that ego is like a trickle of water—what starts out small erodes the surface a bit, grows in volume, and creates a problem before we ever recognize it happening. Here are some signs of a growing ego, to which we’re all susceptible (beginning with me ...).... Read More

Jesus Is Praying for Us—Here’s What That Means

Jesus was always praying. If Jesus, being God, felt the necessity to pray, then how much more should we pray? Read More

13 Reasons Why Your Church Isn’t Engaging In Worship

On a scale of 1-10, how engaged is your church? Read More

You Can’t Buy the Bible Online in China Right Now

Just moments after the Chinese government pledged to protect religious freedom, Christians in China discovered they could no longer purchase Bibles online. Read More

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